LogiMAT 2022: ELOKON presents smart cloud based solutions
for enhanced safety and efficiency in the warehouse

ELOKON GmbH is exhibiting a number of new products at LogiMAT 2022 on Stand F09 in Hall 10, one of which will be ELOcate. ELOcate is based on UWB radio technology which is also used in the company’s ELOshield proximity detection system, and enables extremely precise indoor positioning.
Real-time location tracking, optimised route utilisation, automated notifications when entering a safety zone and a live display at elofleet.com are just some of the benefits of ELOcate. The driver assistance system ELOshield also features additional new functions and modules such as data analysis as well as an AGV module which safeguards AGVs when they are operating alongside forklift trucks.
The cloud-based fleet management system ELOfleet will also be on show and this has been expanded to include central document and battery management functionalities. The elofleet.com platform enables customers to optimise the performance of their forklift fleet. ELOKON is also hosting the Munich-based start-up Filics on its stand, in which ELOKON Ventures GmbH invested in 2021.

"Due to the ongoing automation in warehousing and in manufacturing, there is an ever increasing level of interaction between humans and equipment. When it comes to the potential conflicting interplay between better occupational safety and higher productivity, our smart systems are ideal as they provide a solution for both."