Automated forklift safety and fleet management systems.
For material handling safety.

ELOKON’s lift truck driver-assistance systems ensure safer, more efficient operation of your material handling fleet. Our products use the latest sensor technology from the automotive industry to maximize the speed and safety of your material handling operations. Our automated forklift safety solutions include: proximity detection/anti-collision systems; pedestrian safety devices; fixed-position warning systems for high-traffic areas; radar-based speed control devices; and integrated fleet management systems. We also offer technical consulting services on machinery and facility safety.

Satisfied customers

ELOprotect in use at Culina / great bear
ELOprotect in use at Unielektro
Airbus Logo

Safe workplace. Safe workforce.

forklifts in warehouse

Automatic Personnel Protection and Forklift Driver Safety Systems

Our safety solutions for material handling include: mobile pedestrian safety in Very Narrow Aisles (ELOprotect), forklift fleet management (ELOfleet), pedestrian detection/collision-avoidance (ELOshield), and automatic forklift speed control (ELOspeed).

Award-winning Solutions

Are you looking for a management system for your forklift fleet?
Then download our current e-book here.

In our e-book "Selecting the Correct Forklift Telematics Solution: A Guide for Safety, Efficiency, and Productivity", we describe in just under 20 pages which functions are state of the art, which mistakes to avoid, how to create a cost/benefit calculation for your project and how to successfully integrate your forklift drivers.

The latest version of the ELOfleet forklift fleet management system adds features and enhances functionality, including...

The latest version of the ELOfleet forklift fleet management system adds features and enhances functionality, including...

Visit our event calendar to see where you can meet us next—and get a demo of our safety solutions.