UK Award for ELOprotect

ELOprotect is on the winner‘s podium in the UK
Design4Safety Award 2019 goes to ELOprotect

ELOKON achieved yet another successful milestone in the UK during the recent IMHX show when its ELOprotect product won the BITA (British Industrial Truck Association) Design4Safety Award. Our safety system for VNA operations beat a strong line of contenders to take the overall prize in the hotly contested Industrial Vehicles & Ancillary Products category. The award was presented to the ELOKON team on September 26 by James Clark, General Secretary of BITA.

ELOprotect uses two laser scanners, a display and a user module to  monitor the movement of forklifts and personnel. It is automatically activated when a forklift truck enters a very narrow aisle and recognises hazards such as pedestrians, other forklifts or obstructions and brings the vehicle to a halt, whilst warning pedestrians and the driver with visual and acoustic signals.

This is the second major award that ELOprotect has won in the UK following the FLTA Safety Award in 2018, and it is also an award-winning product in Germany.

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